Calvin Lee 'Gzo' Jones

Ladies Man & Professional Hit-man!

"pray I don't come looking for your ass!?!"

"He actually tests the MOTO with COD!... ( Not to long ago even the MOTO pre-paid phones was in the $99-199 range ... BUT moto did also have the basic "G" $29-49 on sale types too. )

BONUS: this same dude get a current GOV. Phone... ( Note: different areas of the country or regions may get different models, etc. )

MAGA B.S. and such...


Nov. 20th

SOUNDS LEGIT,... and could be way SO MANY that are usually right got it wrong this time.

( I hope K.H. looks deeply into this before Jan. 6th ?!? )

Nov. 9th

😭 lol,... "A LOT of MAGA idiots are going to find out REAL QUICK... what's what!!!"

GZO+VIDEO TOOL BOX (Booty Meet Edition!)

PINTEREST VID-DL - More Coming Soon!

FREE VPN's to GO PLACES ONLINE,... that THEY don't want you to go!!! 😅😜